Womencalculators.com is a website specifically designed to assist women with both simple and complex daily calculations. We craft new calculators each day, catering to various aspects of a woman’s life, spanning from birth through childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and into old age. We embark on this journey alongside you, offering a range of calculators that extend beyond health-related ones. Our calculators are designed to aid women during high school, college, cooking, work, shopping, and all other activities that constitute their lives. The objective of womencalculators.com is to create calculators that streamline your daily decision-making process. Our collection already encompasses health calculators, pregnancy calculators, fertility calculators, relationship calculators, and bra calculators, among others. We take pleasure in satisfying you. See our latest calculators below.

Calorie Intake of Breastfeeding Mothers

Calorie Intake of Breastfeeding Mothers [Calculator] – USA 2025 Update


Use this calculator to determine how many calories you will need per day when breastfeeding. Click on ‘START’ above to calculate your calorie intake. Note that this calculator is sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture and the recommendations are based on the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans …

Calorie Needs Calculator Pregnancy

Calorie Needs Calculator Pregnancy – USA 2025 Update


Use this calculator to determine how many calories you will need per day when pregnant. Although, in the first trimester, your calorie intake may not need to increase, in the second and third trimesters, you will need to take in additional calories. Click on ‘START’ above to calculate your calorie …

Am I Pregnant Calculator Percentage

Am I Pregnant Calculator Percentage


The likelihood of being pregnant can be so overwhelming. Such anticipation can bring mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety. But, whether you are eagerly trying to conceive or experiencing a slight delay in your menstrual cycle, the uncertainty shouldn’t last long. Fortunately, we’ve built a calculator that helps ease your …

How Far Am I in My Pregnancy Calculator

How Far Am I in My Pregnancy [Calculator]


Pregnancy is an extraordinary chapter filled with anticipation. You might be asking  the question “How far am I in my pregnancy?” It’s totally fine to want to know.  The question of how far along you are is a natural curiosity that arises in almost every expectant mother’s mind. Thankfully, with …

Birth Control Calculator

Birth Control Calculator


Are you tired of the side effects that come with some birth control methods? Are you searching for a natural and effective way to plan your family and prevent pregnancies? The birth control calculator with its rhythm method offers a natural approach to birth control. In this article, we will …

Rhythm Birth Control Calculator

Rhythm Birth Control Calculator


The rhythm method also known as the calendar method, is a natural approach and contraceptive method to birth control. It is utilized by women who seek a hormone-free alternative to other forms of contraceptives.  In this article, we will explain what the rhythm method of birth control is and how …

Naegele's Rule Calculator

Naegele’s Rule Calculator [Due Date]


Your baby is developing rapidly and you couldn’t be more thrilled. Amidst the excitement and wonder of pregnancy, there’s one question that captivates your thoughts: “When will my baby arrive?” As expectant parents, it’s only natural to be eager to know the due date- the day your baby arrives. We’ve …

Irregular Period Due Date Calculator

Irregular Period Due Date Calculator


While embarking on the journey to motherhood, it’s only natural to be curious about your due date- a significant crossroad in pregnancy. You might be, but if you’ve had irregular periods in the past, determining your due date might seem like a challenging task for you. However, do not be …

Period Calculator for Pregnancy

Period Calculator for Pregnancy


Calculate when you can get pregnant based on your menstrual period. Calculate your due date based on your last period. Parenthood is an experience, and understanding the different phases of conception and pregnancy can help you feel more confident and prepared. In this article, we will introduce you to the …

Period Calculator Due Date

Period Calculator Due Date


This calculator uses your last period to calculate your due date. Are you expecting a baby? Are you eager to know the estimated due date for your child’s birth? Doubting if you can get a likely date due to the nature of your menstrual cycle? Look no further! The period …

Postpartum Blues vs Depression

Postpartum Blues vs Depression


Welcoming a new life into the world is undoubtedly an extraordinary experience. However, the postpartum period can bring about a mix of emotions for new parents. It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and even emotional during this time. While many parents may experience what is commonly known as the …

Diaper Size Chart in Kg

Diaper Size Chart in Kg


Pampers Size Chart Kg Pampers diaper size Baby weight (in kg) Average number of diapers per day* How long your baby might need this size (in months) Size P1 diapers <2.72 as needed as needed Size N diapers <4.54 up to 10 1.6 Size 1 diapers 3.63-6.35 up to 9 …

Calculate How Much Water Should You Drink a Day

Calculate How Much Water Should You Drink a Day


Water is the essence of life and staying properly hydrated shouldn’t be like a cliche. We all know how important it is to drink the right amount of water in a day.  But you might be asking how you calculate how much water you should drink in a day. The …

If I Started My Period Today When Will I Ovulate

If I Started My Period Today When Will I Ovulate [Calculator]


A Definite Answer is Impossible If you’ve just started your period and you are curious to know when you will ovulate, giving a definite answer is impossible. This is because various aspects contribute to when your ovulation will occur. Let’s provide you with the information you need for a better …

What Generation Canadian Am I Calculator

What Generation Canadian Am I Calculator


Are you curious to know what generation of Canadians you are? Confused if your lineage stretches back through several generations? Or just wondering if you happen to be the first? If you’ve ever pondered on what your generational status is, then you might want to keep reading. The history of …

What Generation am I a Part of Calculator

What Generation am I a Part of Calculator


How the What Generation am I a Part of Calculator Works This calculator largely follows the classification provided by Pew Research Center. The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan think tank based in the United States that conducts rigorous research and analysis on a wide range of topics to provide …

Period Late for 5 Days Pregnancy Test Negative

Period Late for 5 Days Pregnancy Test Negative


If you’ve landed on this page, you may be experiencing the jumble of emotions that often accompanies a late period. It’s a situation that can trigger both excitement and anxiety, particularly if there’s a possibility of pregnancy. Rest assured, we understand the multitude of possibilities you may be considering, and …

What Generation American am I Calculator

What Generation American am I Calculator


Have you ever wondered which generation of Americans you belong to? Or confused about your generational identity? If you are that curious, then this is for you. We have a tool that can help you discover what American generation you belong to. So, if you’ve ever pondered on that question, …
