Period Am I Late Calculator

Are you eagerly keeping track of your menstrual cycle? Or perhaps you’re a bit concerned that your period hasn’t made her monthly visit yet? Well, you might be pregnant or not. However, the ‘period am I late calculator’ hopes to answer that for you. In this article, let’s see everything you need to know about the ‘period am I late calculator’ and how it can help predict if your period is late or not.  

What is the ‘Period Am I Late Calculator’?

The ‘Period Am I Late Calculator’ is a tool designed to help you determine whether your period is late or not. It’s like having a knowledgeable friend who can analyze your cycle data and provide you with an estimated window for when your next period is expected to arrive or when it should have arrived.

The calculator takes two essential pieces of information into account – the start date of your last period and the average length of your menstrual cycle. Based on these inputs, the calculator performs a simple yet effective calculation to generate an estimated date for your upcoming period, indicating if it’s passed the date and your likelihood of pregnancy. 

For instance, if you indicate that your last period began on a specific date and your typical menstrual cycle spans around 30 days, the calculator will use these details to project an approximate date for your next period, informing you if your period is late, and for how many days late it is.

However, it’s important to note that the Period Am I Late Calculator provides an estimate, not an absolute prediction of your likelihood of pregnancy. This means it tells the percentage of your probability of being pregnant based on how many days late your period is. But, it’s best to know that other factors can influence why your period is running late as well (if it is).

In the next section, we’ll delve into the formula the calculator uses for prediction and results.  So keep reading! 

Formula Used by the ‘Period Am I Late Calculator’

As we’ve mentioned earlier, the calculator considers two factors:

  1. The start date of your last period: The day you began your last menstrual cycle.  That is, the day you started menstruating. 
  2. The average length of your menstrual cycle: Knowing how many days your menstrual cycle runs helps you to monitor irregularities that may occur. The menstrual cycle length is the average number of days between the start day of one period to the start day of the next. While some might have an average of 28 days, others might not. There’s nothing to worry about. 

The formula takes these two key pieces of information to give the right answer. If you have an irregular cycle, adding the number of days for six months and dividing it by six should give you your average menstrual cycle length. 

Now, let’s see an example: A case in which your last period began on August 2nd, and your average menstrual cycle is around 27 days. The calculator would add 27 days to August 2nd. This will be on August 29th. This means your next menstrual cycle should begin on August 29th. However, if it’s past the date, then, your period is running late. The calculator tells how many days it’s late and the probability of being pregnant in percentage.  

With this background, how can you make use of the calculator then? See that in the following section. 

How Does the Period Am I Late Calculator Work? 

The calculator works with your data. Here’s a step-by-step on how it works:

Step 1

Before you begin, make sure you get the two key pieces of information the calculator needs- the start day of your last period and the average length of your menstrual cycle. 

Step 2

Input your data into the calculator. Start by entering the start date in the interface provided. You can make use of the calculator to select the day, month, and year of your last menstrual period (LMP). 

The second information required is the average length of your menstrual cycle. Click on the field to select the number of days. 

Step 3

Once you’ve filled in the required information, the calculator immediately processes your information and generates:

  1. Your next menstrual cycle start date. 
  2. Your next menstrual cycle end date.
  3. Today’s date. 
  4. In a sentence format, the calculator tells how many days your period is late, your chances of pregnancy, and if it’s best to see a doctor immediately. 

How Many Days Late Should I Worry About My Period?

It’s completely normal for menstrual cycles to vary in length once in a while. Generally, a period is considered late if it’s past the duration of seven days of the expected due date. So, if your period arrives a few days, maybe two to three days later than the estimated date, there’s usually no need to worry. It’s considered pretty normal. But past a one-week duration, it’s time to pay closer attention to it. You can go ahead and take a pregnancy test if you have been sexually active. If you haven’t, it’s best to figure out what might be the cause. While there are quite a few factors that might cause delays such as hormonal imbalance and stress, you must visit your doctor after taking a few precautions and no changes occur. It might be because of an underlying medical condition.