Period Late for 5 Days Pregnancy Test Negative

If you’ve landed on this page, you may be experiencing the jumble of emotions that often accompanies a late period. It’s a situation that can trigger both excitement and anxiety, particularly if there’s a possibility of pregnancy. Rest assured, we understand the multitude of possibilities you may be considering, and we’re here to provide insights into the various factors that can contribute to a late period, regardless of your pregnancy test result. So, take a deep breath, and let’s navigate through this together.

Can You Be Pregnant? 

If taking a pregnancy test after a late period results negative, there’s no need to fret. 

There are two possible answers in this scenario, you may and may not be pregnant. You can be especially if you’ve been sexually active without the use of contraception. However, while the absence of menstruation can be an early sign of pregnancy, it’s not necessarily the case. It only indicates that there are other factors you should be aware of or what situations can cause a false result

In what situation can this happen then? 

When faced with a late period and negative pregnancy result, consider some of the factors listed below: 

1. Pregnancy

While you might be pregnant, your pregnancy test can produce false negative results if taken too early or if you failed to follow the instructions properly

If you suspect pregnancy but receive a negative result, consider waiting a few more days and retesting to ensure the accuracy of the outcome. Alternatively, you can schedule a meeting with your doctor and take a blood test which can provide a more definite answer. 

Any idea why the pregnancy test won’t read correctly? It could be due to this second factor. Keep reading. 

2. Low pregnancy hormones

According to Dr. Jenna Friedenthal, during early pregnancy, hCG levels (human chorionic gonadotropin) start low and gradually increase over time. If you’ve taken a pregnancy test too soon after conception, the hCG levels may not have risen sufficiently to be detected by the test. So, waiting for about one week or visiting a fertility doctor as recommended by Dr. Jenna is advisable. 

3. Irregular menstrual cycle

As we’ve said, there’s also the possibility of not being pregnant. A negative result might as well be due to an irregular menstrual cycle. 

An irregular menstrual cycle can make it challenging to predict when your period will arrive. Medical News Today says irregular cycles occur among 14 to 25 percent of women around the childbearing age. This irregularity can be due to stress, weight loss, hormonal imbalance, etc.  Perhaps this is the situation, make sure to figure out what causes it and plan to make the necessary adjustments.

4. Irregular ovulation

Irregular ovulation can likewise be a factor. The timing of ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle, and occasionally, you may ovulate later than expected. If ovulation occurs later than usual, it can naturally cause your period to be delayed. This means you are experiencing irregular ovulation. Do note that irregular ovulation doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant, so do not feel sad. 

But imagine you found out you are pregnant after visiting the doctor. Why did you get a negative result then? Check out the next section. 

Pregnant? Why Did You Get a Negative Test?

While we’ve discussed situations where getting a negative test might occur, take note of these common reasons as well.

1. Tested too early

As we’ve mentioned earlier, if you tested too early, it’s possible to get a negative result. That’s because the levels of the pregnancy hcg in your body were still low enough to be detected by the test. You might be anxious to find out as soon as possible, however, each pregnancy is unique, and testing before the appropriate time frame can lead to false negative results.

2. Diluted Urine

If you drank excessive fluids or urinated frequently before taking the test, the concentration of hcg in your urine may have been too low for the test to detect. To get more reliable results, make use of more concentrated urine, like your first-morning urine. 

3. Failed to Follow the Instructions properly

Pregnancy test kits come with specific instructions that must be followed accurately for reliable results. Failing to follow the instructions could lead to errors in the testing process which will affect the outcome. So, when next you want to make use of a test kit, make sure you carefully read and understand the instructions provided on the test kit. Pay attention to the timing for testing, the correct unique, and the proper interpretation of results within the specified time frame. A slight misstep in following the instructions can lead to misleading results. Likewise, make sure you get the right test kits next time as there are ovulation test kits as well. 

No worries, if you happen to get a negative result but you feel you are pregnant, there are other pregnancy signs you can look out for. 

Other Pregnancy Signs you can look out for. 

Worried? Look out for some of these early pregnancy symptoms. 


Spotting is light vaginal bleeding that may occur during early pregnancy. Many experts believe that spotting occurs due to the implantation of the fertilized egg in the lining of the womb. This version of bleeding is typically lighter and shorter in duration compared to a regular menstrual period. So, do not expect to bleed a lot. 

Feeling Nauseous

Commonly known as morning sickness, feeling nauseous is another early pregnancy sign you may be experiencing. It can manifest as a general feeling of wanting to vomit or actual vomiting. This symptom is usually experienced during the first trimester of pregnancy. 

Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is also a common early sign of pregnancy. As your body undergoes hormonal changes, the kidneys work more efficiently, and this leads to an increase in urine production. This means you may need to urinate more frequently than usual. 


Another sign you may experience is cramping also known as implantation cramping. While you might think it’s the same as menstrual cramps, they are quite different. Implantation cramping often gives you a tingling feeling. However, this symptom does not occur to everyone. You can look out for others like faintness and dizziness, mood swings, constipation, food cravings, etc. 

While all these can occur when you are pregnant, they might occur for other possible reasons. In situations where you are not pregnant, there are medical explanations for it. Let’s see some of them. 

Causes of Getting a Late Period (Excluding Pregnancy)

1. Breastfeeding

If you are currently breastfeeding, it’s common for your menstrual cycle to be irregular or even temporarily stop. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, can suppress ovulation and lead to delayed or absent periods. However, it’s important to note that breastfeeding is not a reliable form of contraception, and it’s still possible to become pregnant during this time.

2. Birth Control

Certain forms of birth control can cause changes in your menstrual cycle. Some methods may lead to lighter or shorter periods, while others can cause your periods to become irregular or even stop altogether. If you have recently started or changed your birth control method, it’s not uncommon to experience a late period as your body adjusts.

3. Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstruation for an extended period, typically three months or more. It can occur due to various factors, including natural factors like breastfeeding, excessive exercise, drastic weight loss, and stress, or medical issues like hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and thyroid disorders. If you are experiencing amenorrhea, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

4. Stress

High levels of stress can have a significant impact on your menstrual cycle. Stress triggers the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can disrupt the normal functioning of the reproductive system. This disruption can lead to irregular periods or a delayed menstrual cycle. Finding healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, or counseling, can help regulate your cycle.

5. Other health factors  

Various underlying health conditions can contribute to a late period. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder that can cause irregular periods or even long stretches without menstruation. Thyroid disorders can also affect your menstrual cycle. Likewise many underlying issues, including a problem with the uterine. If your period is more delayed than usual, it’s best to see a doctor as soon as possible. 

6. Lifestyle, Underweight, Obesity, and Menopause

Certain lifestyle factors can influence your menstrual cycle as well. Being underweight can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to irregular or absent periods. On the other hand, obesity can also cause menstrual irregularities. Additionally, perimenopause, the transitional phase leading up to menopause, can result in fluctuations and irregular periods.

Do remember that (apart from pregnancy) this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other factors specific to your circumstances. If you are experiencing persistent irregularities, it’s advisable to meet with a consultant as soon as you can. 

Need More Clarification? Check Out a Few Specified Questions

1. Can you get a negative pregnancy test at 5 days?

Yes, it is possible to get a negative pregnancy test result 5 days past the expected start of your period.

2. Can you get a false negative pregnancy test 5 days after missed period?

Yes, it is possible to get a false negative pregnancy test result 5 days after a missed period. As we’ve said, testing too early or not following the instructions properly can contribute to false negative results.

3. Why is my period 5 days late but a negative pregnancy test?

There can be several reasons why your period is 5 days late despite a negative pregnancy test. Take a look at some of the reasons and causes we’ve stated above.

4. How soon will a pregnancy test read positive?

The timing for a pregnancy test to read positive can vary among women. The accuracy of the result depends on the sensitivity of the test and the levels of hCG in your body. Cleveland Clinic believes you might get a possible result as early as 10 days after conception. So, it’s necessary to wait so that you can obtain a reliable positive result.

5. Does a 5-day late period mean pregnancy?

Not necessarily. While pregnancy is a possible cause of a late period, there are various other factors, such as stress, hormonal imbalances, weight, medications, and underlying health conditions, that can also contribute to menstrual irregularities.

See Your Doctor

We hope we’ve been able to answer your questions regarding a late period with a negative pregnancy test. However, while we hope justice has been served in the article, remember that the information provided is a general guideline and should not be replaced with booking a session with your doctor. Your doctor is the best resource to help you navigate through any uncertainties or concerns you may have regarding your late period. So, go ahead, book and do not miss your appointment.