Womencalculators.com is a website specifically designed to assist women with both simple and complex daily calculations. We craft new calculators each day, catering to various aspects of a woman’s life, spanning from birth through childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and into old age. We embark on this journey alongside you, offering a range of calculators that extend beyond health-related ones. Our calculators are designed to aid women during high school, college, cooking, work, shopping, and all other activities that constitute their lives. The objective of womencalculators.com is to create calculators that streamline your daily decision-making process. Our collection already encompasses health calculators, pregnancy calculators, fertility calculators, relationship calculators, and bra calculators, among others. We take pleasure in satisfying you. See our latest calculators below.

body fat calculator

Body Fat Calculator (US Navy Formula)


When it comes to general health and fitness, body fat percentage is a crucial indicator. The body fat calculator helps you understand your health better, identify potential health problems, and track your fitness progress by keeping track of your body fat %. A common technique for calculating this body fat …

My Daughter Won't Tell Me Who Got Her Pregnant

My Daughter Won’t Tell Me Who Got Her Pregnant


First, it can be emotionally and mentally tasking to handle the numerous challenges that come with your daughter’s pregnancy ranging from your daughter’s social and emotional well-being to financial and medical worries. But, it complicates and stresses out the situation more when your daughter won’t say how she got pregnant. …

Breast Size Calculator If I Was a Woman

Breast Size Calculator If I Was a Woman


Being a Woman comes with a lot of unique and precious experiences that only a woman can have. Some of these feelings are those of beauty and sexuality. A man can not really imagine how charming a woman feels, especially with her sexual organs. Many men have fantasized, wishing to …

If I'm a 13 years Old Girl Do I have to Legally Say Who Got Me Pregnant:

If I’m a 13 years Old Girl Do I have to Legally Say Who Got Me Pregnant? [FAQs on 13 Year Olds]


Becoming pregnant at the age of 13 can be a very overwhelming and perplexing experience. You could have a lot of concerns about what this means for your future and what to do next. The obligation to disclose the person who caused your pregnancy is one issue that frequently comes …

Chance of Getting Pregnant with Tubes Tied

What’s the Chance of Getting Pregnant with Tubes Tied


Birthed in 1885, “getting your tubes tied”, a phrase used to describe tubal ligation has been a method women opt for as a permanent form of birth control. It is the most common form of permanent contraceptive in the US today with approximately 700,000 procedures performed annually. While it is …

When Did my Parents Conceive me Calculator

When Did my Parents Conceive me Calculator


It’s remarkable how human life truly is, from the moment of conception to our final days on earth. Nowadays we all are curious and can do a fantastic amount of research and calculations regarding when we were conceived, though it’s hard to figure out the exact date. But, if you’ve …

pregnancy chance calculator

Pregnancy Chance Calculator


Learning about your own individual chances of becoming pregnant can help you make informed choices. That’s why you can turn to the pregnancy chance calculator to gain insight into your fertility and understand what lifestyle changes might be beneficial for reproductive success.  Let’s look over how this helpful tool works, …

Am I Plus Size Calculator

Am I Plus Size Calculator


Determining whether you are plus-sized or not is quite relative. First of all, plus sizes are like any other sizes, having a special term for some X sizes is just a method of fashion classification. The term ‘plus size’ was first used in 1953 by Lena Bryant in the Korell …

How to Avoid Pregnancy After Marriage

How to Avoid Pregnancy After Marriage


Marriage is a significant life milestone that frequently ushers in a new chapter for the pair. While some couples might be keen to have a family straight immediately, others might choose to defer that decision for a little while. In the latter case, you might be wondering how to enjoy …

What Percentage of my Pregnancy is Complete

What Percentage of my Pregnancy is Complete Calculator


The journey to bringing forth a new child is a long but interesting one. A pregnant woman takes fortitude in the fact that every day takes her closer to the beautiful end of the pregnancy. This ‘What Percentage of my Pregnancy is Complete Calculator’ helps you estimate how far you …

If I Got Pregnant Today

If I Got Pregnant Today, When will I Give Birth Calculator


The due date is typically calculated based on the date of the woman’s (LMP) last menstrual period and the length of her menstrual cycle. This information is used to estimate the gestational age of the fetus, which is the age of the baby based on the number of weeks since …

Why Did He Leave Me When I Got Pregnant?

Why Did He Leave Me When I Got Pregnant? 


We’re sorry to hear about the end of your relationship. We hope for your healing and peace.   Leaving a relationship is heartbreaking enough, talk more about leaving when you are pregnant.  We feel your pain concerning the issue and we sympathize with you.  We’re fully aware that you may have …

Female Eggs Calculator

Female Eggs Calculator


This female eggs calculator uses data from reliable medical research to estimate the number of eggs remaining in a woman’s body.  By inputting a few details into our calculator, women can get a personalized estimate of their current egg supply, helping them make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Generally, …

Can you pray without a bra?

Can you pray without a bra?


Yes, you can! But the yes has a few conditions to it. The conditions will have to do with the religion you practice and your location while praying. In this post, I will answer the question comprehensively from the Christian perspective. If you belong to a different religion, please consult …

Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy Calculator

Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy Calculator


How would you feel if you knew the exact sex that led to your pregnancy? Would it make you – OR Would it help you- Whatever the knowledge will do for you is good. But the challenge is, figuring out the particular sex that led to pregnancy is difficult especially …

Women Fertility Score Calculator

Women Fertility Score Calculator


Determining the fertility of a woman is a complex task and that is because a lot of factors are involved. Some of these factors are available in variable conditions, for example, it is said that the prime age for fertility is 18 – 24. Based on this, a girl at …

Pregnancy Probability Calculator by Age

Pregnancy Probability Calculator by Age


At some point in life, every woman hopes to carry their children and feel connected to them.   It’s also no news that this significant milestone in a woman’s life, has some level of tendencies to it.  This makes it essential to understand the probability of getting pregnant in the different …

Sexual Intercourse for Pregnancy Calculator

Sexual Intercourse for Pregnancy Calculator


An element anyone trying for a baby shouldn’t leave out is the appropriate time to get pregnant.  We know that time is precious and there are times in this stage that are more precious.  We’re here to help you find those precious moments and get you started for your future.  …

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