Rita Michael A

Rita has a degree in English Language.

She has been writing professionally since 2018.

Her philosophy of writing is about communicating with people as simply as possible.

Rita loves people, especially mothers.

The process of giving birth to her first child – Light, was full of many uncertainties.

She was able to find solutions to many problems through the internet, while some questions were unanswered.

This made her resolve to help other women by writing useful content to solve their daily problems

Rita loves to write from her heart.

She currently works as a freelancer as a work-from-home mum, with a 2-year-old toddler and a 7-month-old baby.

Her experience makes it easy for her to identify with regular moms.

Rita is open to connecting with as many women that would like to share thoughts in this journey of womanhood.

July 2023