BMI Calculators is a website specifically designed to assist women with both simple and complex daily calculations. We craft new calculators each day, catering to various aspects of a woman’s life, spanning from birth through childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and into old age. We embark on this journey alongside you, offering a range of calculators that extend beyond health-related ones. Our calculators are designed to aid women during high school, college, cooking, work, shopping, and all other activities that constitute their lives. The objective of is to create calculators that streamline your daily decision-making process. Our collection already encompasses health calculators, pregnancy calculators, fertility calculators, relationship calculators, and bra calculators, among others. We take pleasure in satisfying you. See our latest calculators below.

Where Can I Measure Body Fat

Where Can I Measure Body Fat?


While there are numerous methods and gadgets designed for in-home use, they often fall short. But where can you measure body fat in the USA? And what methods are available? See our recommendations below. Where to Get My Body Fat Measured in the USA 1. Hospitals and Health Clinics On …

Calorie Intake of Breastfeeding Mothers

Calorie Intake of Breastfeeding Mothers [Calculator] – USA 2025 Update


Use this calculator to determine how many calories you will need per day when breastfeeding. Click on ‘START’ above to calculate your calorie intake. Note that this calculator is sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture and the recommendations are based on the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans …

Calorie Needs Calculator Pregnancy

Calorie Needs Calculator Pregnancy – USA 2025 Update


Use this calculator to determine how many calories you will need per day when pregnant. Although, in the first trimester, your calorie intake may not need to increase, in the second and third trimesters, you will need to take in additional calories. Click on ‘START’ above to calculate your calorie …

Calculate How Much Water Should You Drink a Day

Calculate How Much Water Should You Drink a Day


Water is the essence of life and staying properly hydrated shouldn’t be like a cliche. We all know how important it is to drink the right amount of water in a day.  But you might be asking how you calculate how much water you should drink in a day. The …

Breast Implant Weight Calculator

Breast Implant Weight Calculator


If you had had a breast implant you may like to know how much extra weight you now carry. With this calculator, you don’t need to rack your brain to solve this with some mathematical formula. We have done the hard work for you, using a formula that has been …

Breast Milk Calorie Calculator

Breast Milk Calorie Calculator


Breast milk is widely acknowledged as the perfect source of nutrition for your baby. That’s because its composition helps in providing essential nutrients and antibodies for the healthy growth and development of your child.  Since the composition of breast milk can vary from one mother to another, that makes it …


How Much Fiber per Day to Lose Weight Calculator


If you’re striving for weight loss, you’re likely familiar with popular strategies such as exercise routines, and portion control. However, there are essential elements that often go unnoticed: calorie counting and dietary fiber. By incorporating an appropriate amount of calories and fiber in your meals daily, you can significantly contribute …

How Much Water Should I Drink While Breastfeeding Calculator

How Much Water Should I Drink While Breastfeeding Calculator


Understanding how much water you should drink while breastfeeding is key to maintaining optimal hydration levels. While taking less water might not affect milk production, overhydration can cause some issues with your breast milk. In this article, we will provide you with a helpful calculator and guidelines to determine your …

Calorie Burnt in Breastfeeding Calculator

Calorie Burnt in Breastfeeding Calculator


In the world of motherhood, every milestone brings joy, challenges, and countless questions. In addition to the many chores you go through every day that consumes your energy, there is also the work of breastfeeding. This might take more calories than we have ever imagined. We have created the “Calorie …

When Can I Stop Pumping Calculator

When Can I Stop Pumping Calculator


Breastfeeding is not an easy task. You might want to store up breast milk in a freezer so you can have time for some other activities. It’s also likely that you want to wean your baby but you want her to have some milk for a while even after you …

How Long Does it Take to Get a Six-Pack Calculator

How Long Does it Take to Get a Six-Pack Calculator


The process of getting a six-pack involves reducing body fat and building strong abdominal muscles. To have six packs, there is a maximum amount of fat you should have in your body.  The first step to getting a six-pack is reducing your body fat so the abdominal muscles can be …

How Big Will my Breasts Grow Calculator

How Big Will My Breasts Grow Calculator


The female body has the ability to change and develop over the years. That is, from childhood to adulthood. One of the areas that change evidently over time is her breasts.  Being able to predict how much the breast will be is not exactly accurate. It’s at best a scientific …

How Much Water Should I Drink on Creatine Calculator

How Much Water Should I Drink on Creatine Calculator


Staying hydrated can save us from many unnecessary issues with our health. While taking creatine as well, It is important to know the right amount of water to take daily that keeps us hydrated and works well with our system. If you would like to find out how much water …

body fat calculator

Body Fat Calculator (US Navy Formula)


When it comes to general health and fitness, body fat percentage is a crucial indicator. The body fat calculator helps you understand your health better, identify potential health problems, and track your fitness progress by keeping track of your body fat %. A common technique for calculating this body fat …

Breast Size Calculator If I Was a Woman

Breast Size Calculator If I Was a Woman


Being a Woman comes with a lot of unique and precious experiences that only a woman can have. Some of these feelings are those of beauty and sexuality. A man can not really imagine how charming a woman feels, especially with her sexual organs. Many men have fantasized, wishing to …

Am I Plus Size Calculator

Am I Plus Size Calculator


Determining whether you are plus-sized or not is quite relative. First of all, plus sizes are like any other sizes, having a special term for some X sizes is just a method of fashion classification. The term ‘plus size’ was first used in 1953 by Lena Bryant in the Korell …

Women's Pentathlon Calculator

Women’s Pentathlon Calculator


Welcome to the world of women’s pentathlon! If you’re an enthusiast of track and field, combined events, or simply looking to challenge yourself, this is for you.  But what exactly is a pentathlon, and how does the scoring work? Most importantly, what is a pentathlon calculator and how can it …

Women Calorie Calculator

Women Calorie Calculator


Tracking your calorie intake in a day as a woman is beneficial. This helps you to keep up with the societal beauty standard, right? Well not exactly, it should be centered around your personal goals! What matters most is not what society thinks, but the peace and comfort you enjoy. And …

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