Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy Calculator

How would you feel if you knew the exact sex that led to your pregnancy?

Would it make you –

  1. Appreciate the sex more?
  2. Take a picture of the location?
  3. Love the lingerie you wore more…lol?


Would it help you-

  1. Know the best sex position to get pregnant?
  2. Know the best time to have sex?
  3. Love the memory of the sex that produced a particular child?
  4. Predict your ovulation better?

Whatever the knowledge will do for you is good. But the challenge is, figuring out the particular sex that led to pregnancy is difficult especially when you had multiple sexual intercourse or you have multiple sexual partners.

However it is, we’ll try our best to provide you with at least, a nearly perfect calculation of the sexual intercourse that led to your pregnancy.

One answer can fit all women. Different situations led to different pregnancies, so let’s get started.

How to Predict the Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy if you Know your Ovulation/Menstrual Cycle

If you have a regular menstrual cycle you can easily figure out your ovulation/fertile days. This calculator can help you find out your fertile window.

If you have sex once during your ovulation period, obviously that is the sexual intercourse that led to your pregnancy.

If you had sexual intercourse more than once during your fertile window, this is the truth –

There is no known way to determine the sexual intercourse that led to your pregnancy.

But no worries. The Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy Calculator allows you to do some permutations.

You can choose a hypothetical date you think you likely got pregnant and the calculator will tell you when your due date should be. The due date that rhymes closely to the one you got from an ultra scan test will show you the most likely day you got pregnant.

Of course, it can only get close to telling you the date but not the exact sex.

You can choose as many hypothetical dates as you like, trying to see different due dates.

Interestingly, the calculator shows you when the due dates would be based on pregnancy that lasts for 39 weeks, 40 weeks, and 42 weeks.

So after having your baby, the calculator is still very much useful. By then, you know how long your baby stayed.

Please note that these results are estimates and should not be taken as 100% accurate.

Knowing your menstrual cycle reduces the guesswork you have to do, working together with the calculator.

What if you don’t know your cycle?

How to know the Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy if you Know your Ovulation/Menstrual Cycle

If you don’t know your Menstrual Cycle then the closest guide you’ll have will be your due date.

And that can only be detected by an ultra scan after a few months of pregnancy.

The due date from this calculator that best tallies with the one from the ultra scan will point you to the most likely date you got pregnant.

The sex you had that day should be the one that led to your pregnancy. If you had more than one sexual intercourse on the day, I am sorry there is no way else we can nail it.

If you don’t know your due date,

Just have fun 🙂

Think about the different sexual intercourses you’ve enjoyed.

Try out their dates and see what comes up in the calculator.

After all, the Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy Calculator works with hypothetical dates that are not cast in stone.


It is not an easy task to find out the sexual intercourse that led to your pregnancy, in fact, it is many times impossible. But if you go through some of these suggested methods in this post, working together with Sexual Intercourse that Led to Pregnancy Calculator you might be able to nail it.

I wish you the best in your endeavor and I really hope you find out that loving, fruitful, and memorable sexual intercourse.
